Buy Your Day Ticket For The Castle Pool
Welcome to the day ticket page for The Castle Pool. Please read this page before continuing your purchase.
Telford Angling Association Rules
All persons wishing to fish on the Castle Pool MUST abide by the Association rules at ALL TIMES.
Please ensure that you have read the rules before your purchase. Thank You.
Rule #1
Members must be in possession of a current EA licence and Association permit produce them to a TAA Bailiff or Keeper or Official on demand.
Rule #2
Members unable to produce a valid membership permit must purchase a day ticket.
Rule #3
Members must observe statutory closed season for coarse fish on rivers and conform to Association rules and those of their members club.
Rule #4
Members must always keep to paths where possible, close all gates and not interfere with crops.
Rule #5
No tins (sweet corn, luncheon meat) to be taken on TAA waters, NO FIRES to be lit, No Camping, TAKE your litter and line home. The peg you fish is your responsibility. Leave as you would want to find the peg yourself.
Rule #6
Rule #7
NO surface fishing or floating baits on any Association still waters.
Rule #8
Night fishing allowed on designated waters only see overview on the water pages.
Rule #9
NO spinning and NO treble hooks allowed on Apley pool. Treble hooks are allowed on other water only when pike fishing.
Rule #10
NO FISH TO BE RETAINED IN KEEP-NETS OR SACKS for more than 5 hours. Keep-nets in Apley must be staked out.
Rule #11
Juniors 16 and under must be with an adult on all TAA waters, nobody under 18 years of age is allowed to fish nights.
Rule #12
All fish including pike and eels must be returned alive to the waters.
Rule #13
Maximum of allowed rods in use is 3 rods per angler, with a 3 rod EA Licence. You MUST NOT intrude into any other pegs or swim occupied by another angler without consent.
Rule #14
Rule #15
TAA Contests will be fished to modified Angling Trust rules.
Rule #16
Any angler contravening TAA Rules shall be disciplined as decided by executive committee.
Rule #17
NO BOATS or bait boats of any sort on TAA waters except for official work party’s.
Rule #18
Rule #19
TAA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE OR RESCIND MEMBERSHIP without refund in the case of misdemeanor.
Rule #20
All Anglers must follow the instructions of TAA Keepers and town park Rangers.
Rule #21
Fish must be placed on an unhooking mat or cradle for photos, Not on the ground or platform,Fish must be over an unhooking mat when being weighed. must have a landing net per person fishing. Fish care to be taken at all times.
Rule #22
You must fish in designated pegs, NOT in between pegs.
Rule #23
Rule #24
Water Keepers can remove permits authority of head bailiff/ chairman and the outcome will be decided at the next meeting with a chance to appeal by letter to your nearest tackle shop or contact TAA on the Contact Form.