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That's It For River Fishing Until June 16th 2023

Writer's picture: Telford Angling AssociationTelford Angling Association

As many of you know, here in the UK we hold a closed season for course fishing on our rivers, some canals, and a few still waters.

Luckily for TAA members, you only have to refrain from fishing the River Severn on our card, as all of our other fantastic venues do not close!

The closed season runs from the 15th March to the 16th June where you're free to wet a line as soon as the clock turns on the 16th June.

Although the closed season is for course fishing, some clubs and syndicates allow Trout, Salmon and Eel fishing however, Telford Angling Association observe a full closed season where we do not allow any fishing during this time.

We still do our patrols on the River Severn every day as usual, as no matter how much we remind folks that the season has ended, they still try their luck at fishing!

The closed season is also a prime time for poachers because it's quiet, and there's not many people around. This is obviously very bad for our beloved rivers, so if you see anything suspicious around our river, or that of others, please report it to the right people straight away, and call the Police.

We look forward to seeing you on the Severn on June 16th 2023!

In the meantime, tight lines and happy fishing on our non-running waters!

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